Using Invisalign? Safe Practices to Prevent Tooth Decay

Invisalign is a great option for those seeking a discreet and comfortable way to straighten teeth. While these clear aligners offer many advantages over traditional braces, it's essential to follow safe practices to prevent tooth decay during treatment.

It is both interesting and important to know the safety practices to prevent tooth decay:

Maintaining optimal oral hygiene: Regular brushing and flossing is essential

One of the most critical steps in preventing tooth decay while using Invisalign is to maintain a rigorous oral hygiene routine. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, ideally after every meal, to remove food particles and plaque. Floss daily to clean between your teeth and prevent the buildup of plaque in areas that a toothbrush can't reach. Wear your aligners only after you have thoroughly cleaned your mouth.

Clean your Aligners Too

Your aligners should be cleaned regularly to prevent bacteria from accumulating on them. Rinse your aligners every time you remove them and brush them gently with a soft toothbrush and clear, unscented soap. Avoid using toothpaste on your aligners, as it can be abrasive and cause scratches where bacteria can start residing.

Mind What You Eat

Avoid sugary and acidic food: These types of foods speed up tooth decay, especially if they linger on your teeth and aligners. Limit your intake of sodas, juices, candies, and other sugary treats. If you do consume these items, brush your teeth and rinse your aligners as soon as possible.

Drink a Lot of Water

Water washes away the food particles and bacteria, thus reducing the risk of dental decay. Bring it in your habit to drink water throughout the day, especially after eating. This practice helps keep your mouth clean and your aligners free from harmful substances.

Have more questions?

Get in touch with experts at Clarity Dental to maintain healthy teeth and smile.

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